Turkey & Mushroom Burgers (Emma Laperruque, Food52)


Add the olive oil to a large skillet and set over medium-high heat. Add theonion and sauté, stirring occasionally, until starting to soften and turn translucent — about 5 minutes. Add the mushrooms, stir, and continue to sauté — stirring and lowering the heat as needed — for about 20 minutes. Cool completely before forming the burgers.

Form the burgers. Mix the cooled mushroom-onion mixture, turkey, egg, and salt in a bowl. Form into patties.

Set a large cast-iron skillet over high heat. Add the oil. When the skillet is very hot, add the patties. Sprinkle with salt. Sear for about 3 minutes, until crusty, then flip. Sear for another 3 or so minutes until cooked through (internal temperature of 165°).